Simple Meditation: Turn Your Day Around In Just 3 Minutes

A forest green bench by a pond with bushes and trees in the distance.

Ever woke up in a grey mood? Nothing has happened, but you just don’t feel good. Or your day is just not going your way and you’re feeling out of sorts? There is always a way to turn your day around, or to start it out on a better note, and I want to share with you one way that has worked for me, and I hope can work for you as well.

This meditation can be done in only 3 minutes, but can also be extended if you have the time, or if it is feeling good and you want to go for longer. As always, do what feels best for you.

To begin, find a quiet place where you can be undisturbed for at least 3 minutes. Somewhere you can lie down is best, but sitting at a desk or on a floor is fine too.

Related: 5 Simple Ways To Feel More Motivated

First minute:

Close your eyes and slowly take in a deep breath. Clear your mind and focus on the feeling of your lungs filling with air. Be present in the moment and mindful of how your body is feeling. Exhale and relax every muscle in your body, starting with your toes and working your way up.

Second Minute:

Now that you are relaxed with a clear mind (you can stay in this place for as long as you like), think of at least 5 things you are grateful for. These can be simple things like a great cup of coffee you had that morning, or bigger things like having a roof over your head. Feel the positive emotions fill you.

Third Minute:

Let the positive emotions linger, and smile. Smiling releases the feel good hormone, and will have a lasting effect. When you’re ready, slowly begin to come out of your meditation by wiggling your toes and gently opening your eyes.

If you try this simple meditation let me know in the comments how it worked for you!

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  1. Beautiful picture.

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