5 Simple Ways To Feel More Motivated

With everything going on it is easy to start losing motivation and feeling like you’re losing yourself. This is something that everyone is feeling to some degree, so if you have been feeling out of sorts lately and wondering how to feel more motivated, you are not alone. Everyone’s life has changed over the last year or so and is feeling the effects of that to some degree. So, if you have been feeling isolated, less motivated, or just not quite yourself, then this article is for you. Read on for 5 simple ways to feel more motivated.

Related article: Simple Meditation: Turn Your Day Around In Just 3 Minutes

1: Set Your Intentions for the Day

Once you wake up, instead of reaching for your phone just simply enjoy the peace of a new day. Mindlessly scrolling through social media, or reading through emails and catching up on texts is not a positive morning habit. Instead, stretch your body and focus on how your muscles feel—start with your toes and work your way up, then take a deep breath and clear your mind. Focus on your breathing and set your intentions for the day.

2: Wake Your Body Up

Take a cool shower. I know, I know… unpleasant, right? Wrong. Not if you start with a nice warm shower and slowly turn the temperature down, taking the time to adjust to each temperature change. The cold water well help you to feel more alert, energized, and motivated to take on your day.

3: Self-Care

Do some self-care in whatever way that looks for you. It could be as simple as taking your vitamins, getting out for a walk, painting your nails, or even starting a new hobby. Doing something nice for yourself is something you should try to incorporate into everyday.

4: Get Outside

Get out of the house at least once a day. Even if you don’t feel like it, force yourself to put on your shoes and take a walk outside. You don’t even have to have anywhere in particular in mind. Just get out there, breathe some fresh air into your lungs, and soak up some vitamin D. It will clear your mind, help you de-stress and feel more motivated.

5: Call Someone

Get some social interaction, even if you don’t want to get outside (contrary to number 4) pick up the phone and call your friends and family. I guarantee the person on the other end of the phone will enjoy the social interaction just as much as you do. Tell them how you’re feeling, and remember, we are all in this together; you are not alone.

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  1. Thank you for the tips.

    1. You’re welcome, I hope you find them useful!

  2. Great post. I tried these techniques and they work! Thank you.

    1. I am so glad to hear that they worked for you!

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